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Donald returns to Remploy to find a permanent role

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Donald* from Coatbridge joined the Fair Start Scotland service in February 2023, having been out of work for 20 years whilst he took on caring responsibilities for his mother. Donald, 61, had previously worked as a gardener and driver for his local council. 

Donald was supported by his Key Worker, Cara Clapham, who helped to identify his barriers to employment, in particular, his low self-esteem and time away from the labour market.  

After previously joining the Fair Start Scotland service in 2019, he was supported to find a seasonal ground maintenance role, however this time, he was eager to find a permanent position.  

He had previously attended employability development sessions, however after his seasonal position ended, he struggled to find and apply for work independently, causing self-doubt to develop.  

This time, Cara ensured she checked in with Donald regularly, which meant he felt the benefits of having someone available to talk to and help him overcome any worries or concerns. 

With the team’s support, Donald quickly moved back into a seasonal role and once a permanent role became available in the same company, Donald immediately applied with help from his In-Work Support Key Worker.  

He successfully interviewed for the permanent Grounds Maintenance Assistant position and will begin in November 2023 when his seasonal contract ends. 

Reflecting on his experience, Donald said: “Remploy’s support has been really good, always there to listen to me and help with any problems. I feel excited about going permanent at work from the end of October. It feels like a job for life, and it is such a relief not to have to go back on Universal Credit. 

“Both times I have been with Remploy the people supporting me have been tremendous – always helpful and always there when I needed them. Their support has been life changing!” 


*Name anonymised at participant’s request 

18 October, 2023
