Ana*, from Dundee, has been working for a local care home as a Support Worker for almost a year, following support from Remploy.
Prior to joining the Fair Start Scotland service in March 2022, Ana was experiencing struggles with her mental health, suffered with shyness and also had financial difficulties.
Supported by her Key Worker, Shanise McKenzie, she developed a new CV and attended employability workshops. Ana was also referred to a member of our Community Partnership Network (CPN), Taught by Muhammad, who provided essential foodbank and food provision services, which helped Ana whilst she was waiting for her Universal Credit payment.
In addition, Shanise supported Ana to apply for crisis grants through her local council, which provided her with much-needed financial stability during her job search.
Following a number of unsuccessful interviews, Ana’s anxiety heightened, and her confidence plummeted, but with dedicated intensive support from her Key Worker, Ana soon successfully interviewed for her current position, beginning her new role in August 2022.
Ana’s supportive work environment has helped immensely with her anxiety, and she has developed new friendships, which has had a positive impact on her overall mental well-being.
Reflecting on her experience, Ana said: “I can’t thank Remploy enough for all the support they have given me. I’m more confident and have come out of my shell more and more at work. I’ve made new friends, and this has helped tremendously with my anxiety.
“I wouldn’t be where I am now if it wasn’t for the help I received through Remploy and Fair Start Scotland.”
*Name anonymised at participant’s request