There are many types of interviews, from a virtual call on your computer to an all-day assessment centre. Here are the interview formats you might encounter in your job search, as well as the things you can expect on the day.
Telephone interview
Some applications start with a screening phone call – a quick way to check if you are suitable for a role.
You will be asked a series of basic questions that see if you match the job advert, as well as some personal details about salary expectations, notice period (if you have one) and your history.
One-to-one interviews
Many interviews are just between you and one interviewer. This will usually take a simple question and answer format where the employer gets to know you – and you learn more about the company.
This is usually done face to face but can also be done online.
Panel interviews
Panel interviews can also be done face-to-face or in-person but will have several members of the company instead of one.
This can feel more intimidating, but it is usually because each person will have different questions to ask you. You might meet your potential manager or a member of the team – or it could be one of the more senior staff members who wants to make sure you are the right fit.
Approach these interviews in the same way as if it was one person. They are not there to trick you or trip you up.
Presentations and tests
Some interviews will contain a presentation element or a test, where you need to prepare something in advance or complete an assessment on the day. This will be related to the job role you are applying for – and will show the employer that you are ready for the role.
You will be told in advance if you need to create a presentation or do a test on the day. Take your time and make sure you understand is exactly what is expected of you.
Assessment centres
These are often used to assess your existing skills. It will involve a series of different interview activities to complete at the workplace or with a recruitment agency.
This could include group discussions, formal interviews, presentations, games or scenario questions. You will have to complete each stage of the assessment on the same day, usually over a morning or afternoon.
By the end of it, employers will have a better understanding of who you are and what you can offer them.
Prepare for the different types of interviews
You will be told which format your interview will take when you are first offered it. This will give you time to prepare for what you need to do – and help you understand how many people will be attending with you.
Stay calm and gain confidence from the fact you were invited. Interviews can feel a little daunting, but understanding the type of interview you are having will help you get ready.